Thursday, 21 March 2013

Salvador Dali and Me

English: portrait of Salvador Dali taken in Ma...
English: portrait of Salvador Dali taken in Maurice Hotel Paris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
No, we never met. "We" being the surrealist artist Salvador Dali and myself. "We" do though, have one thing in common. We both recognised in his case, and recognise in my case, the benefits of a Siesta del Hidalgo.

A What? A Power Nap. In fact, just a few minutes ago, I arose from mine. I confess that I take a period some afternoons, to close my eyes and think of nothing. I try to do this at a point in time when my wife is not giving me instructions on what she wants done, or even perhaps, telling me how to do whatever it is she wants done. Should it happen though, I will protest my innocence by saying it was an accident. 

Is it beneficial? I feel it is. I don't care what others think, I enjoy it and will continue to do so. I have to confess though, I am not particularly driven to becoming more energetic or enthusiastic about doing anything remotely concerned with labour of any kind, any more than I was before my nap.

Take my advice, tomorrow, should you find yourself with something to do, that you don't really feel inclined to do, take a Siesta del Hidalgo. You can even say that it was me that put you up to it if you wish!
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