Sunday, 24 March 2013

Not A Lot, So Far........

Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning (Photo credit: jspaw)
Bench in fence
Bench in fence (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sunday 24/3/13. 
After the excitement of yesterday, and the garden furniture purchasing expedition, this morning seems quite tame.

Got up at 7am, ready to watch the Malasia Grand Prix. Followed this with breakfast Followed this by preparing veg for Sunday lunch/supper plus bit extra for monday evening to go with the remainder of today's roast joint.

 For anyone of you who has managed to, so far at least, evade marriage or a serious live-in relationship, this is just about as exciting as gets on a sunday. Does change as the kids come along, but , hey, thats a whole different ball game.

Must go now-feeling sleepy and it's only 11am!!

Will probably write something a little later-Beware!!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    HAVE done some tweaking, and found your comment. Please feel free to send material to me direct at the email address I sent you earlier. Please accept my aplologies for not picking it up sooner.

