Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Another Day-Another Dollar

English: (Green) Cyprus. (Light-green) The Eur...
English: (Green) Cyprus. (Light-green) The European Union (EU). (Grey) Europe. (Light-grey) The surrounding region. See also: Category:SVG locator maps of countries of Europe Português: (Verde) Chipre. (Verde-claro) União Europeia (EU). (Cinzento) Europa. (Cinzento-claro) Paises circundantes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Wednesday morning here as I write this. As the heading says, another day-another dollar. What it doesn't say though is, less tax. 

Cypriot people and ex-pats, will have woken up to a day where they now know that their savings are not to be savagely taxed, apparantly because of a German demand that the people of the Cyprus suffer in this way. I am no politician, by trade anyway, but even I can see the unfairness in all this. 

What is to happen now, since the vote against the tax by the Cyprus politicans? Will the EU leaders move toward the full bail out of Cyprus, or will the island be left to suffer? My hope, for the people of the island is, that they are spared the suffering that could follow any refusal to help. Yes, they can turn to Russia for yet more financial support, but that is tantamount to pushing Cyprus out of the eurozone and into the arms of Russia. Should we not be seeking to consolidate the islands' position in Europe rather than pushing it away?
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