Saturday, 18 May 2013

An Eternity.........

European bull in thought
European bull in thought (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When I first started this Blog, I thought it would be easy to publish daily, what I was thinking of, what I had been doing or was intending to do, and perhaps stimulate you my friends, to contribute to the blog, yourselves.

I started well, full of good intention, as does every author. I would rise from my slumbers and rush headlong for the coffee, sit in front of my laptop and wait for inspiration. "It won't be long," I thought. Second cup of coffee-still nothing. THEN, my first idea, my moment of inspiration, my Eureka moment had arrived! I know, I'll tell everyone whats happening in my backyard. 

Question-just what is happening in the backyard of where I live, and would it really inspire every reader around the world to know that Boris Johnson had revisited the idea of building a Thames Crossing, despite cancelling a similar project a few years ago? Would it really excite people to know that the same Boris was still clinging to the idea of building an international airport (nick-named Boris Island) in the Thames estuary of the river , not too far from the major port of Tilbury? For anyone reading this in Vietnam, Malaysia, Germany and Indonesia, (YES, we do enjoy visits to this site from the places listed, as well as from others) I had better explain who Boris is.

Boris is a Mayor. Not just any old Mayor, but the Mayor For London. He has many responsibilities, including the ongoing success of London and introducing new businesses to the city, as well as the ongoing success of The City. (financial sector that is.) He is, not to put it too bluntly, a man who rarely is out of the public eye in and around London. To be equally not too blunt, to anyone beyond London, he is something of an unknown. I have a feeling that some Londoners feel that it would be better if he was an unknown in these parts as well!

Any way, to cut a long story short, it seems to have been close to an eternity since I wrote on these pages. I hope not to upset too many people when saying I intend to return to the keyboard on a close to daily basis. I have stored many of my thoughts for just such occasions. 

Thanks go to those of you who have read my articles so far. I would invite you to return, if only on an occasional basis, to leave your comments, and put forward a piece that you would like to see published. Just get in touch via, or via the comment button at the end of this article.

Thanks again, for being there.

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